Covering Exhibition in USA

Views: 126     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-11-26      Origin: Site

KBIS cupboard bath cabinet exhibition just ended successfully in Las Vegas, soon we set foot on the annual American stone, ceramic tile and other decorative materials feast - Covering exhibition. This year's show will be held in Orlando from April 9 to 12.

On June 6, Susie and Vivian, together with me, arrived at the exhibition site early and cooperated with the exhibition staff to fight together. After all, it was quite time-consuming and labor consuming to do the exhibition in a large booth with more than 1,000 square feet. We first set up the frame of the whole booth in one day, and then we mainly did the detailed work in the next two days. Through KBIS, we found the problem of exhibition arrangement. There were too many cabinets in the bathroom, and the packaging was too tight, which led to time-consuming and laborious demolition. This Covering slightly simplified packaging, plus after all, this is not a professional bathroom cabinet exhibition, so we did not show so much, so the factory relative to the past KBIS is too easy. Around noon on the 8th, the exhibition was completed, just in time for the big BOSS from the headquarters in Chicago to the venue inspection work. The long booth stands at the main road in the center of the whole exhibition hall. Our position is in a very good location every year. The boss is generally satisfied, and we leave work early in the afternoon and wait for the next day's feast to start.

On 9th, the exhibition feast officially opened, and we arrived at the venue early. However there is a big bad news on the first day hang over the whole exhibition - the United States have just accepted ten ceramic tile companies in the United States to China's anti-dumping investigations into all ceramic products, tariff is likely to increase to 200% or even 300%, the shock to Chinese ceramic enterprises is undoubtedly fatal, of course we BESTVIEW can also be affected. The same cold and just KBIS over the years, is on the first day of the exhibition products anti-dumping investigations initiated to ambry bath ark, since is to make clear all the buyers this year don't have to find the most important days in the China supply to discuss business, makes my heart to the United States, the world's superpower again despise despise government raised middle finger. Then emotion is emotion. As our boss taught us, a crisis can turn into a business opportunity. In the future work, we have to work harder and more carefully in order to remain invincible in the industry in the market. Although the shadow of anti-dumping has been hanging over the exhibition for a few days, fortunately, our customer groups and partners in the United States are still quite extensive, guests are still coming, customers are very fond of our products, our display board, and have asked for a group photo.


On the afternoon of 12th, the exhibition which lasted for 3 and a half days came to a close. We have made great achievements and laid a foundation for our work in the next six months or even a year. In the evening, we stayed with Susie and Vivian to withdraw the exhibition until early morning. Due to too much work, we did not finish the exhibition until early morning, so we could only go back to have a rest for a few hours. At 8 o 'clock, we hurried to continue to withdraw the exhibition, because the truck was scheduled to take the products back to the headquarters in Chicago at noon. Through unremitting efforts, we finally completed the withdrawal around 11 o 'clock, and then we embarked on the journey to visit many customers.

Summing up this exhibition, we have gained, but also have a sense of crisis, the political environment is changing, the market has been changing, only the constant is our bestview people a bestview heart.